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Episode 52: How to Style to Show Up with Confidence with Trish Taylor

It’s never your body, it’s always the clothes

About Trish

Trish Taylor is a stylist and a brand embodiment coach who is committed to helping heart-centered, online entrepreneurs align their outside with their inside so they can create magnetizing content and feel worthy of their expertise. She leverages her unique experiences as a celebrity stylist and counselor to empower and equip purpose-driven entrepreneurs and mindful course creators with the mindset shifts AND stylish tools (think: a be-YOU-tiful- bomber!) they need to step into the most confident version of themselves.

When this rain-lovin’ California introvert isn’t busy transforming internet shy girls into their truest self, you can find her rock climbing, talking to her plant babies, or indulging in her favorite gluten-free chocolate chip cookies.

Courage Up Moment

Trish has so many micro moments of courage that have happened in her life. The moment that launched her into entrepreneurship is when she was hanging out with her dad. They were both working for the same company in sales. Her dad said we are little worker bees. We’re better at taking other people's orders and moving forward. She immediately thought, that’s not what I want for my life. Right after that day, she, put in her 2 week notice and pursued her celebrity style career.

Focus on Styling

She had attended FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising) in LA. Style was always something she had fun with, a way for her to feel good in her body, and express herself

She was always a people pleaser, and only spoke when spoken to and followed all of the rules.

Style was her little sign of rebellion where she was able to express herself.

She remembers her first client. While they were meeting and getting to know each other, the client started crying. She’s a very petite woman and she didn’t feel like the best version of herself. She couldn't find clothes that could fit her body. All she wanted was to feel comfortable, feel confident, and be respected and finally become a mother. Over years of working together, Trish saw her transform into this successful woman and welcome her first child and now she’s expecting a second one on the way.

Women Who Avoid One Type of Clothing

First, approach from a feeling place. Next there are different silhouettes, cuts, brands, fabrics. It’s about style and how you want to be seen and feel in your body and clothes.

Then Trish would address a little more beneath the surface and get to the root of why she doesn’t feel good in her body. Support with actual tools to help her feel good like silhouettes and different illusions by support with proportionality of balancing out the top and bottom half of your figure. Drawing attention in toward your waist and up towards your face.

Goal Outfit

If you have a goal outfit in your closet and are staring at it everyday, it’’s nagging at you. If you have that as a constant reminder of everyday, that's the opposite of supportive. Every time you see that, a negative thought crosses your mind. My body doesn't fit that right now.

Dress for the body you have right now. Love what you see in the mirror right now. Support your goals along the way. You do not need to buy a whole new wardrobe. You can buy clothes that feel good.

Instead of a goal outfit, have a goal mindset. How do you want to feel in your body? That’ll shift you working out, things you nourish your body, clothes you buy. That is a much more joy filled experience when you’re getting dressed in the morning.

When Trish was Self-Editing

Trish was seeking permission to be herself. Once she opened herself up, and was being seen the way she wanted to be seen, she attracted the type of people who were her people.


Take the first steps to put the confidence in by loving ourselves first. Used mirror exercises and mantra exercises. What’s the first thing you think when you look in the mirror? How do you actually feel when you look at your body? If you even look at your body.

One strategy is to put post-its on your mirror. Post its could say: I love my body because… I am so strong...I am so grateful my body gave me this gift…

Then you can choose clothes that feel good on your body. You’re not trying to fit into someone else’s ideal.

What Mistake She Learned from Starting her Business

Waiting for things to feel perfect


“If you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them” Elizabeth Gilbert

Courage Song:


Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert


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