Have you ever compared your success with others, or felt like you weren't doing enough, and then stuck with an icky feeling? Practicing gratitude can shift from not enough to enough. This mini moments shares what is gratitude, why gratitude is necessary, and 5 ways to practice gratitude.
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What is Gratitude?
Affirmation of Goodness.
Figuring out where that goodness comes from.
Benefits of Gratitude
So Many!
Boosts mood-higher levels of positive emotions, more alert, alive, and awake, more joy and pleasure
Social- More helpful, generous, and compassionate, more forgiving, feels less lonely and isolated
Physical- stronger immune systems, Less bothered by aches and pains, lower blood pressure
Gratitude Habit
Say gratitudes out loud first thing in the morning or last thing before bed.
Write down gratitudes in a gratitude journal
Grateful Walks- during walks in nature, notice the good around you
Call a friend or write a note to a friend sharing why you're grateful for them
Combine hand washing with gratitudes. Each day you wash your hands for 20 seconds, take the 20 seconds to say your gratitudes.
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